Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good Art vs Bad Art

Jonathan Torres

I find good art to be mentally stimulating, although one can argue that an artwork which is intentionally underwhelming (and successful) to also be good, due to the intent of the author. Good art should breed subjective thoughts as anything which maintains objectivity is nothing more than the presentation of fact whereas Good Art is literally anything which makes a human being think for themselves, ultimately resulting in a specific perception. Good Art is pure perception as physical objects just exist and the human mind is the phenomenon which transforms anything, wether it be a physical object or hypothetical concept, into an actual entity within a biased context.  Good Art is anything manufactured by a person who is either inspired by an emotion or who has the intent to instill emotion.

I don't know if I believe in Bad Art. The only concept I feel labeling as Bad Art  would be blank space. Considering that my definition of Good Art is anything which spawns thought, I don't feel as if anything merits that title. I think of art with egregious violence, obscenity, minimalist art, etc, but they all generate emotion or thoughts. Bad Art would be something which has absolutely no effect on us, even on a subconscious level. Everything is art. Aside from the concept itself, a rendering of said concept (even images/memories in our mind) can be construed as Good Art.

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